Building a good reputation isn’t easy and will take time. Inbound marketing is critical for almost every businesses. This post will show you the importance of blogging in your inbound marketing strategies.
To be as successful as possible in your business, no matter what niche it might be in, you need to have a well thought out, in-depth marketing plan that you have researched and budgeted accurately for. Without this, it won’t make any difference how good your products or service are; if no one is aware of them, you won’t make any money from them.
Inbound marketing is one aspect of your marketing strategy that you need to consider carefully. It’s not the traditional method of reaching out to your prospects and customers through ads which may or may not get to the right people, but instead is a way of enticing those prospects and customers to come to you and visit your website.
The best way to do this is to have a good blog on your site. Read on to find out why this is and what the role of blogging has in your inbound marketing strategy.
It Shows Personality
Your blog is your big chance to show who you are as a person. Being able to show that you are real, that you have ideas and thoughts, that you can answer questions, and that you have a personality is more important than you might think. People interact much more readily when they know the person they are communicating with is like them, and they will be more likely to buy from you if they can see what you are like as a person. If you stick to the corporate idea of being distant and formal, you will probably put people off altogether.
You can utilize your blog to show your personality. Inject it with warmth and humor, add personal anecdotes (although nothing too personal as you don’t want to run the risk of identify theft, for example), and show that you can make mistakes. Write about your business but make it real and make it human. This blog written in this way will be a big part of your inbound marketing strategy as Web Presence will tell you, and people will come to your site to read it.
Your Business Will Be Found
As mentioned above, without a good inbound marketing strategy, your business simply won’t be found when people are searching for the kind of things you sell or deliver. Your blog is the key to being discovered in searches since it is where you can add the right elements of SEO (search engine optimization).
By combining SEO with inbound marketing, your blog could be the powerhouse behind building up your business into something very successful indeed. Rather than having static content on your site (pages like your ‘about me’ and your home page are static, for example), you can have dynamic content, which is content that constantly changes. Your blog, when updated regularly, will give you this content, and help you be found.
If the content is just as good as the SEO techniques you are using, your inbound marketing will work too, and your blog will have captured many more customers for you.
Build Your Reputation
Potential customers are only going to want to buy from you if they can be confident that you know about your products and services. They need you to be – as far as possible – an expert. Good content is all about offering up the evidence for this, so the more you can prove that you are indeed an expert in your field via your blog, the more people are going to be happy to buy from you.
Building a good reputation isn’t easy and will take time, but the more you can include in your blog, the more quickly you will start to be seen as that all-important expert.