No one knows exactly how the content sorting mechanisms on this popular video hosting site work. Therefore, bloggers use a number of effective techniques to popularize and increase the number of visitors to their channel. Everyone who already created their own video blog or just about to do so needs to know how to promote videos on YouTube.
Ways To Promote On Youtube
Bringing your video to the top positions in search engines is possible by performing a set of actions in two directions. Each of them plays a crucial role in the process of promotion. However, focusing only on one point is wrong. To achieve good results, you need to take an integrated approach to promotion. And to buy subscribers YouTube – should be in addition to the overall strategy.
How To Build A Promotion Strategy On Youtube?
- Make regular publications (from once a month to twice a week);
- Focus on key indicators: average viewing time, click-through rate and views;
- Choose the right headlines, thumbnails and content to increase these metrics;
- Follow a traditional funnel strategy for YouTube marketing
- Top of the funnel – brand awareness
Internal optimization
Internal optimization is based on analyzing the impact of various parameters on a video’s position in search results and vitality (the likelihood that the content will interest users).
To understand this, it’s worth taking a closer look at the metrics by which effectiveness is commonly analyzed:
When dealing with what affects the promotion of videos on YouTube, it is worth bearing in mind that tags have become less effective in this regard. They have little or no effect on both search results and the ability of video content to distribute. But such identifiers do get videos into the “Related” section. In selecting appropriate options, you should study popular requests, trends and listen to the advice of the video hosting site.
With competition, things are even more difficult. It no longer exists in search. You can only see the number of ads and estimate their position by using scripts.
Headlines are of great importance in promotion. Optimal value – 40-50 characters (including spaces). Maximum allowable without loss of efficiency — 100. Inside such a block should be a key and the name of the brand. Not bad also place a call to action. Titles are quickly indexed by search engines and competent formations can in the shortest time to display video content in the top.
Engaging in promotion of video on YouTube, you can not discount the importance of high-quality images. They work perfectly for demonstrating a pro or contra, a before and after. A great solution — use a small text message on top of the video, if the subject allows it.
It reads not everyone, but the video hosting is actively indexed. In this block allowed to place a greater number of keywords, because its size can be up to 2000 characters. Of particular importance are the first two lines of text, they are shown to users (about 120 characters). Therefore, it is very important to attract attention from the initial words.
In addition to the above parameters, comments, subtitles and other elements are also important.
- The textual content is indexed by the hosting company. It can be used to find the video in search results. This should be kept in mind when drafting the script. But do not forget to insert keywords in the titles that are allowed. The system may ban the video and even block the entire channel.
- The presence of feedback also affects the ranking. Subscribers like it when video bloggers are active under the posted content, leading discussions, answering questions. You don’t have to be afraid to talk to people below the post. Even negative feedback is many times better than indifferent silence.
- Cues, overlays and splash pages as additional elements also have a positive effect on channel development and improve engagement.
Channel Analytics Features
When the main advertising activity is complete, it is necessary to analyze the effectiveness of the work done. It will be most convenient to track statistical data based on a single video clip. To do this, go to “YouTube Analytics”, click “Traffic Source” and specify the name of the promoted material in the search box.
Services To Promote Youtube Videos
To get the first long-awaited views, it’s a good idea to use the tools available on the net.
Another great tool to promote on YouTube by increasing your subscribers. Here, users are systematically given promotional offers to buy real YouTube subscribers, which can be used to make an order at a very attractive price. It is very popular because in case of failures and malfunctions, it refunds the money spent on advertising.
I’ve been using Cloudways since January 2016 for this blog. I happily recommend Cloudways to my readers because I am a proud customer.
- All the profiles that you are going to get likes, followers, views and comments from are real and are owned by actual social media platform users.
- Bought promotion options will help you make your business bigger and your persona way more popular online than it ever was before — you will see positive changes coming your way quickly and easily.
- Their offices are based in the USA and offer their customers constant and quick technical and informational support whenever they need it most as their managers are online and ready to help you almost 24/7.
Allows you to promote your content on the hosting site itself. You can promote your video blog, an individual product in other users’ videos, or advertise on YouTube itself. There are 4 types of such videos:
- Bumper Ads. These are videos with a duration of 6 seconds, you can’t miss watching them.
- In-Stream. Longer videos (from 30 seconds). You can turn them off after a certain period of time since they were shown.
- Discovery. These videos are marked with a special icon in search results and on blog pages. Presented in the form of banners, they are usually placed above the feed with similar content.
The first option is a great solution for targeted views. When set up properly, a user will definitely see the video, but it’s not easy to find out what he did afterwards, where he went. You pay by the number of impressions, so it’s important to be able to interest a visitor in a few seconds and encourage them to take the desired action. To avoid cluttering your blog with advertisements, you need to advertise through a link.
Promote yourself with a promoted channel known as a video blogger — perhaps the best idea. Of course, it is important to understand that such a pleasure is very expensive. If you still decide to invest in this method of promotion, negotiate in advance with the owner of the resource about everything to do with the advertising of your material. Write a sample scenario, make a plan for the author of the blog and agree with him on these nuances in advance.Do not forget to ask the statistics, because it serves as the guarantor of the success of the event.
The only disadvantage of this method — no one will give you a refund if the desired result will not be achieved.
The choice of product for advertising should be taken with the utmost seriousness. In addition, you must take care about the quality of the content you intend to demonstrate:
Consider channels with a minimum of 1,000 subscribers. A smaller number of subscribers is important for a particularly narrow subject of the video blog. Average reach value should be at least 1000.
Pay attention to Involvement Rate. It’s calculated as a ratio of positive and negative + comments to the number of views multiplied by 100. Optimal value should not be less than 3%.
Take a closer look at your audience. Identify users’ interests, gender and age.