Polychlorinated Biphenyls or PCBs are man-made chemicals that are found in building materials such as paints, caulking, and old fluorescent light ballasts. These chemicals are also present in industrial devices, such as transformers and utility poles. Based on their properties, PCBs were used in many commercial and industrial applications prior to being banned in 1979. However, the unfortunate news is that these compounds still lurk in the environment.
If any material that contains PCB gets disturbed directly, it can spread to the air, your skin, and even the surface of any object. It can get mixed with the air just by evaporating from PCB-containing material.
The primary manufacturer of PCBs in the United States was Monsanto. Additionally, there are 209 mixtures of PCB commercially called arocolors. Other than being a potential carcinogen, PCB can also affect the reproductive, nervous, and immune systems. It can even lead to skin lesions and has been linked with liver toxicity and diabetes.
Research shows that this chemical can also cause breast cancer in women. In this article, we will delve into this and also learn about other health hazards caused by PCBs.
The PCB Breast Cancer Study
Scientists from various universities, including UNC-Chapel Hill, had enrolled 292 black and 456 white women in North Carolina who were detected with invasive breast cancer between 1993 and 1996. After a median follow-up of nearly 2.6 years, the death count was 392, out of which 210 were because of breast cancer.
A few key findings include:
- Women who had the highest levels of PCBs in their blood were at risk of dying because of breast cancer within five years.
- Women who suffered from breast cancer but survived more than five years and have high levels of PCBs in their blood could die from other causes. The level of PCBs in a woman’s blood increased the death risk from all causes by 20% to 37%.
- Many kinds of PCBs pose a higher risk of breast cancer. It includes the individual PCB compounds, termed congeners. The combination of these compounds makes up for mixtures that get used in multiple arocolors. A few arocolors have over 90 congeners.
- According to the study, the congeners linked with increased death rates within five years included PCB 118, PCB 99, and PCB 74.
- Two other kinds, PCB 187 and PCB 183, have heightened the risk of developing breast cancer. However, by race, PCB 74 was linked to a high risk of death because of breast cancer among black women.
A closer assessment of the scientific literature showed that all kinds of PCB detected in women suffering from breast cancer are found in certain formulations of arocolor. However, the amount can vary with each batch.
PCBs Can Disrupt Hormonal Balance
PCBs that have some chlorine atoms can mimic natural hormones in the human body, mostly estrogen. Studies suggest that women who consumed fish from Lake Ontario that was contaminated with PCB have faced shortened menstrual cycles.
Other PCB exposure symptoms in terms of hormonal imbalance include altered sex organs, lesser sperm counts, and premature puberty. PCBs with high chlorine atoms function similarly to dioxins that alter the metabolism of sex steroids in the human body, thereby changing the testosterone and estrogen levels.
Typically, PCBs tend to change within the body and in nature from high to low-chlorinated forms, which maximizes their estrogenic effects.
Thyroid and Immune System Effects
In a study conducted in New York State on adolescent Mohawk males, PCBs could cause an imbalance in their thyroid hormones. It can affect behavioral and intellectual development. Similar to dioxin, PCBs can bind to receptors that monitor immune system function, thereby disturbing immune system elements such as T cells and lymphocytes.
A study conducted on Dutch children highlighted that PCB levels were linked to chickenpox, ear infections, and low immune system function. That means these children were prone to more diseases than others.
Seeking a Legal Recourse
Recently, there have been instances of PCB exposure in old buildings, offices, and school premises that have made people develop cancer and other fatal health hazards. If you or anyone you know has had a similar experience, you can take the necessary legal action by filing a lawsuit.
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TorHoerman Law suggests that you seek legal counsel from a lawyer who can help you plan and file your legal claim better. Victims of PCB exposure should keep a copy of all their medical documents and healthcare data as evidence to help their lawyers develop a strong case that will compel the judge to approve their compensation.
In conclusion, even though PCBs were banned back in 1979, they persist in the environment. People who work in places contaminated by PCBs once, even if it’s years ago, have a chance to develop health issues like thyroid or hormonal imbalance and, in extreme cases, cancer. Hence, when you realize that you are affected by the chemical and have a chronic ailment stemming from it, get medical and legal aid to set things right.