Perhaps we have been so used to using social media that we have somehow lost our connection with the media in our marketing. It is true that businesses who rank high on the Internet establish an incredible relationship with their viewers and the revenue speaks for itself. However, what we have failed to take notice of is free advertisement opportunities in national publications and media. These can be excellent resources to help produce great results in your marketing ventures.
This is not to say that many of us need a little push in the area of getting the right attention on social media. In this article, you will find awesome solutions to issues you may be facing as a marketer in the sea of many other marketers. Here are 20 proven tips to help boost your business and help you gain the revenue you deserve.
01. Data and Insights
Let’s take a look at the popular senior director of digital experience for Warriors Jeremy Thum. The Warriors are one of the top NBA franchises throughout the world. This team has a massive following showing up to over 2 million Twitter followers, 5.3 million Instagram followers, and most incredible of all, over 9 million followers on Facebook. This team has a strong connection with their fans and followers!
The senior director spoke about a method the team uses in their media marketing efforts. Thum shares that it is centered around creative solutions that include data and insights. After gaining the proper research, he analyzes the response.
Thum considers Buzzfeed. He gives special attention to their audience’s online interaction. This actually helps understand what content to share next. He mentions that they analyze their information surrounding the content they produce. If it is a win, they understand what can be shared again. If it is a loss, the company has the knowledge needed in order to improve the content or just throw it out.
02. Dare To Be Different
The mistake many marketers make in their brand promotion is blending in with the crowd. For this reason, it is important that you find your identity. What makes you different from everyone else? What do you have to offer than many like-minded businesses do not have? Your brand has a solution that is unique from the next one. Understand your voice. Dare to be different or you will go unnoticed.
03. Be Relevant
If you want to get the genuine attention of your social media followers, connect with them on the topics and concerns that they have. This is a great opportunity for you to do some research. Find out what your followers value most. What are some recent issues plaguing society today? Is your brand able to provide relevant solutions? Include local or national news as well as the events your followers are going to.
04. Read Their Mail
Consider reading what other reporters are talking about. What information are they providing in articles, blogs, and online social media content? Find out their major concerns and consider mentioning the work you find best suitable. However, try to avoid sharing their personal emails unless you are given permission to do so.
05. Hire A Writer
If you really want to drive your social media outreach, consider hiring a writer or PR individual to help create a content to connect with others.
06. Excite Your Subscribers
Before you hit that send button to promote your business via email marketing tactics, consider your subject line. Is it compelling? Do you think that your subscribers will open your email? When sending out campaigns you must always include a subject line that pops out to your reading audience. Your subscribers receive tons of emails each day. Grab their attention at once with a great title. This may take a little thinking, but if you invest the time to create a high-quality line, you will enjoy excellent open rates.
07. Use Pinterest
There are millions of individuals on the worldwide web every day. Many of your social media followers enjoy seeing impressive visuals on platforms like Instagram, Google Plus, and Pinterest. Consider using Pinterest to connect internet surfers to your website. This is a great way to gain traffic from new visitors.
08. Get a Great Email Signature
You are a business that produces quality products and services. You want to translate that to your email subscribers effectively. For this reason, it is important that you spend some time to create your email signature. A great signature line helps your customers trust your brand. You also appear more high-quality. This is a great tip for new small business owners. Get taken seriously with a strong, authoritative signature line.
09. Open The Phone Lines
If you are implementing excellent habits into your social media outreach, you will enjoy increased amounts of interested visitors that want to interact with you. Get ready to open your phone lines to stay connected with potential clients. You want to also set up a voice messaging system so that your company never misses out on interested individuals.
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While you are at it remember to create a professional business email. Many people may not call but will email you as it is quicker. Get ready for two-way communication.
10. Be Friendly
After doing business with a client you should always remain a professional, yet friendly demeanor. Send a thank you email or letter showing your gratitude for the new friendship established. Be friendly and do not be afraid to show your personality. The mistake many professional marketers make is by communicating in a seemingly cold manner that fails to connect with the human being they are speaking to. Do not make this mistake. Add a fun line or a cool graphic as you show appreciation. Remember that you are aiming to be different from the pack.
11. Update Your Social Media
Remember that your followers will often visit your social media platforms. They want to find out who you are and what sets you apart from the thousands of other pages. This means that you should keep your social media updated. Your image is everything online. Refresh your page if it has become boring and add flavor to the dull components of your online presence. Stay true to your niche.
12. Be communicable
You are not only a social media brand but you are a business. Open all lines of communication and share this information with your social media followers. Most likely they will have an inquiry, question, or will want to just stop by and say hi. Allow them the chance to contact you. Provide multiple contacts such as email, business phone, cell phone, Twitter, Facebook, and even Skype.
13. Share Their Posts
After a customer has purchased your product or service, allow them to provide feedback. Provide opportunities for response by requesting feedback on numerous occasions. When they compliment your service, share this with your social media followers.
If you are struggling with gaining inspiration, check out our article “The best writing ideas for your blog”. With this vital information, not only will you share your posts with others, but you will have the confidence that you are hitting the mark.
14. Get Active on Forums
Be present on online forums and platforms that enable visitors to share information about your niche. As a professional, you want to appear to be the ‘man in charge’ with great expertise in this area.
15. Stay Professional
When on social media refrain from liking personal photos of family photos. This will appear to be awkward. You want to remain friendly but always remember to stay professional.
16. Use Ads
Do not be afraid to use social media ads to your advantage. Consider utilizing these resources to pinpoint media outlets. This helps others recognize your brand, solutions, and expertise.
17. Keep A File
It is important that you keep a collection of all of your stats. This helps you to remember what works and does not work. In this way, you will be more effective in your pursuit.
18. Get Another Website
Consider opening another avenue by which you can share your resume, professional engagements, and achievements.
19. Be Genuine
Try to avoid sharing information that does not reflect your brand mission. Always provide information that your audience will enjoy. Stay on topic.
20. Be Human
Your social media followers will be annoyed at your brand quickly if all you do is post information about your products and services. If you have done this, most likely they know what you have to offer already. Instead, try not to sound like a press release. Share information about yourself, your inspiration and the vision behind the brand. This will help build a quality connection with followers.
We sure, our tips help you to get attention in mass media for sure!