Wondering how to land brand collaborations for your blog? Learning how to work with brands as a blogger was definitely a process. In this post, you’ll learn the tips to help you have a successful brand and blogger collaboration!
When you create a blog, you often do so with the intention of generating some sort of revenue. Though there are several different ways that you can achieve this particular feat, one of them is by making a collaboration with a brand that clearly shares your values and everything that you are trying to achieve.
However, with so many bloggers thinking exactly the same thing, how do you stand out from the crowd and land that dream brand collaborations? Well, this is the topic that will be covered in the following blog post.
Clearly Display Contact Info
Obviously, you do not want any potential brand partners working harder to find your contact information than they have to. Therefore, you have to make sure that everything is listed on your homepage, as well as having a dedicated contact page. Give the potential brand partner plenty of ways of getting in touch and make sure that you remain on top of all of them.
For example, when you are sending out emails, a digital signature from rocketseed.com can help to make your correspondence look professional and show your contact information. Something like this could make all the difference in making you someone to remember. If you’re looking to improve brand, you need to clearly display your contact details.
Make Your Intentions Clear
They say that if you do not ask, you do not get. Therefore, you should put on your blog your intentions of wanting to find brand partners. You could create an extra tab on the page that talks about the purpose of your business, as well as creating a media kit that talks about the potential benefits of creating a collab with you.
Also, you should talk about the types of businesses and brands that you would ideally like to work with based on your own interests and mission statement as a whole.
Connect with Brands Online
As well as putting all of the information out there on your own blog page, it is also important that you connect with your favorite brands on your social media page. You could also start to share their content. Ultimately, this all acts as a clear indicator to their marketing team that you are interested in what they are putting out there.
In turn, they may start to pay attention to your own content, and some sort of collaboration could begin to arise as a result of this. Of course, when you are reposting other content, you also need to think about it being relevant to your own audience as well.
Research Point of Contact
Even if you do not decide to get in contact with the brand at this stage, it is still a useful bit of research to know the main person with who you need to get in touch. You could even create a spreadsheet of contact information that you can draw on. Sometimes, with the bigger brand in particular, it is a case of being persistent to the point that you can eventually get your blog noticed by them.
You may have to use several of the different contact methods that are available to you until you eventually reach the point that they pay attention to what you are putting out there.
Create a Credible-Looking Blog
Brands are bound to want to work with bloggers who look professional. So, if you are in the process of building your blog or you think that it is time for a revamp, you need to make sure that you are on top of current web development and design trends. Not only this, but you should be in the habit of posting fresh content on a regular basis. Otherwise, potential brand partners can be easily put off as it does not look like you are dedicated to your blog. Also, you should make sure that your blog loading time is as short as possible.
People are more impatient than ever before these days, and they are not likely to hang around for an extended period of time as your blog loads up. While you want to keep up with modern design trends, you do not want to simply copy exactly what has been done before.
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Track the Success of Your Blog
Brands tend to want to know about cold, hard facts and statistics that present your blog in the best possible light. This is why a tracking tool such as Google Analytics is useful. This is also good practice to get into for the success of your blog as a whole.
After all, you want to be able to see where your main sources of traffic are coming from, as well as measuring your overall growth over time. You can also check out what sort of content is attracting the highest level of enthusiasm and what is simply being overlooked.
Establish Mutually Beneficial Partnerships
When you are working alongside a brand, you want to be able to do so in a way that is mutually beneficial to the pair of you. It is no good if things are too far steered in one direction or the other. The best way of making sure that everybody involved is on the same page is by drafting up a contract that can be clearly read and understood by all parties.
This gives everybody the chance to make amendments or alternations wherever they see fit along the way. Once you are all happy with what has been established, you can then set about getting everybody to sign the contract.
Join Blogger Networks
Blogging is not all a competitive game. You can also form mutually beneficial partnerships with other content creators via forums, conferences, etc. This way, you can benefit from each other’s connections. Sometimes, you work in different areas, so one connection that may not be as useful to you could be invaluable to somebody else. Then, they can help you out further down the line.
Using a combination of the brand collaborations tips above, you should open up the opportunity to work with the brands that you would like to. Ultimately, this can prove to be an invaluable chance to open up a new source of revenue for you.