Influenced by internet money making? Want to start a blog but have no idea what should be niche for your blog? Fret not! You’ve got many riding the same boat as you.
Picking the niche of your blog is the crux of the matter for every newbie looking to start a blog. You may have many ideas cropping up in your mind but choosing the right one that gets fits your factor is the hardest thing.
It’s always important to realize the roadblocks for your ideas before you step into the blogging waters. So, before diving in straight to steps for choosing the perfect niche for your blog let’s understand why we need a right niche for our blog and why can’t we head straight with any of the popular niches. And, also discuss about some best web hosting providers.
A “Specific” affair is the key!
Well, we do have the thoughts of selecting away any category like fashion, health, travel, gaming or any other and get started with the writing of different stuff on such broad categories. Always remember every category is abroad one with lots of different niches in it and none can expertise in the whole category.
Picking up a specific niche in a category would help you gather the potential audience or say the audience who really care about your blog and loves reading it. Also, on the other hand, when you stick to one niche you do have a higher chance luring people and making them like all your content.
So, when you decide on a specific niche for your blog make sure you have a crystal-clear idea of who your target audience is.
Now, that you understand how important it is to choose a niche to form a category, let’s get started with how to choose the right niche for your blog to make money and see the traffic driving in.
Before we begin, choosing the right niche is all that you think and feel about before starting a blog. Question yourself the below questions and follow the tips and you are all there….
Step 1 – Am I passionate about writing this?
Ask yourself whether you like writing about the niche you chose. It is really important for you to be passionate about writing stuff about the niche you chose or else you might run out of the ideas and stuff to write about the niche.
It is obvious to have millions of ideas and topics on mind when you are passionate about something. So, this is gonna be a crucial factor.
Tip: If you are passionate about the niche or if you ain’t and still see the scope in starting the blog with that niche then you can also have some writers hired to write about the niche and also accept the guest posts.
Step 2 – Am I choosing the niche people to love to read about or know about?
Consider this to be a “Make-or-Break” factor for your blog. It is important about choosing the niche you are passionate about but if it belongs to a gloomy category then that could be a roadblock for you.
Most of the times the newbies following their passion end up starting a blog that has a dim niche, you will surely have at least one person interested in your niche but this surely won’t work out if money-making is the motive.
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Tip: Use tools to get a rough idea of the popularity of your niche and also do a little keyword research. Choosing popular ones with thousands of search results per month would be a great one. This way you can decide whether you are on-track or off it!
Step 3 – Will it drives in the traffic and makes money?
Now when you are clear about such things for your niche
- You probably love writing about it and can stick with it
- You also have other people out there who are interested in your niche.
It’s time to figure out whether you can make money with it or not? Making money can never be a sure-shot thing especially if you are expecting to make a tide-sum. But if you do follow the below list of tips you may make it.
- It’s obvious to have other blogs on the same niche as yours, see how they make money and lure in the audience.
- Promoting Amazon products is a great idea. Look for the products on Amazon your audience will be interested in and promote them in your content.
Building a private blog network using the expired domains can be another way to make money as the expired domains have high SEO value, backlinks, and traffic.
Tip: The peanuts you earn at the beginning may disappoint or bring you down, but consistency in spite of disappointment is what will bring you the traffic and make money. Maintain the consistency of your posts and you will have the traffic driving in.
Wrapping up!
If you are still on the fence and got no idea about the niches then “Google’s search bar” is always the rescue. Search for the best blogging niches to make money and, Voila! Gets started with the blog, but not let the web host providers fool you, always look for the best cheap WordPress hosting.
After all, a penny saved is a penny earned!