Finding the age of a domain or website is very important for many reasons. But how to find the age of a website? In this article, we will take a look at the best domain age checker tools that can help you find out exactly how old a website is.
What Is Domain Age
In simple terms, “Domain Age” refers to the amount of time during which a domain name has existed. It is how old a domain name is.
The domain age is calculated from the date the domain is registered. For example, if you registered a domain name in 2015, the domain will be 5 years old by 2020.
How Important is Domain Age
Have you ever visited a complete new website? There are millions of websites on Internet. Some of them are very old and others are younger. You will find an online shopping, e-commerce, service site, and before you spend money, you would like to know how long these guys are in the business. And if you need the same kind of reliable essay writer service then turn to the essayhub!
Does the domain age matter? When it come to qualitative backlinking, aged domains rank better in search engines. Older sites are more stable than new ones. If your website is old it means that not only your site has high reputation in their niche on the market but also significant amount of traffic.
There is a parallel connection between domain age and eCommerce. When you are visiting a website that has a very good review about a web hosting site and you decide to purchase web hosting from them. But, are they reliable? We all know older players in hosting business are usually reliable.
If you wish to purchase a well-established domain name, you can understand the domain name’s history by knowing how old the site is.
That’s why, finding age of a website is important.
So, How Do We Find Age of a Website?
Here are few solutions which will let you know how old a Website is. Do remember, most of the time we can only find the registered date of a domain, and it’s possible that site might have changed niche over the time.
Following domain age tools will help you to find the age of a website. All of them are free domain age tools.
01. Wayback Machine: Domain Age Checker
Wayback machine provide a free service to find how old is a website, which creates a snapshot of a website at regular interval. It might not be very accurate, but this service serves many purposes. From the first snapshot, you can figure out how old this website exists. You can always check snapshot of past-time, this will help you to see if particular website changed the niche ever. For a blogger, it’s a useful tool to check their old blog designs. This service is perfect for large sites, but you might not always get results for new or smaller sites.
02. Website Age Checker
Unlike domain age checker tools, Website Age Checker doesn’t focus on domain age but rather the age of any public website’s current version. This tool comes in handy e.g. when you are looking for sites in need of renewal, or just want to find out when a certain website has been published or last updated.
03. WebConfs Domain Age Tool
This is another way to find how old a website is. Using WebConfs domain age tool, you can easily find the website age along with the date of registered. This tool will give you a good idea of age of a website.
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04. Small SEO Tools Domain Age Checker
Small SEO Tools provides set of different SEO tools for various purposes. One of them is the domain age checker tool. Their domain age tool shows you, not just the age of the website, but also the exact time, day, month, and year the domain name was created.
Also, you can check the website age along with the following metrics by using their DA PA checker tool
- Domain authority
- Page authority
- Amount of total backlinks
- Amount of Moz quality backlinks
- Percentage of quality backlinks
- Moz trust score
- Moz spam score
- Off-page seo score
- Alexa rank
- Majestic trust flow
- Majestic citation flow
- Majestic indexed URLs
- Number of dofollow backlinks
05. IP Location Domain Age Checker
IP Location domain age tool is another great tool to check how old a website is. IP Location domain age tool will help you find the domain age and the original registered date.
You can perform a quick check by entering a domain name. http:// or https:// versions will be automatically filtered.
06. SiteChecker
The website SiteChecker provides an awesome fancy domain age tool to check when a specific domain name was registered.
This tool will help you find the domain age, last updated date and the original registered date.
Our list of domain age tools is very useful, when you are going to buying a website or a used domain. One of the major factors search engines use to rank a domain is the age of the domain. So older a domain is, better it is.
Do you know if you use any other online service to determine how old is a Website? If you find this article useful, you can consider sharing it on Facebook & Google plus.
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