Public assets are always at risk since they are accessible to almost anyone. It is difficult to keep track of them and their maintenance but in recent years, technology has evolved so much that there is software out there to manage and record data related to objects which were impossible to digitalize at one point.
The public is always unpredictable and there are so many cases of vandalism every single day on public property. These assets are made and maintained through money that is collected from taxes. Public assets consist of buildings, infrastructure, parks, water systems, electrical grids, public transportation, and community centers. These are built from and maintained with money collected from taxes.
This means that fixing graffiti and other forms of vandalism is expensive and is done through the same money generated from taxes. Trains and buses are always flooded with crowds and littering is quite common there. Stations are also full of people and a lot of machinery depreciates due to the excess usage. Public assets are not just at risk of being destroyed by the general public, they are also susceptible to damage due to climate change or extreme weather. Earthquakes shake the entire structure and are often the reason why some of the public buildings collapse. Heavy rains can impact the exterior of public assets and acid rain can damage paints and marble structures.
When there are political tensions in a country and the public disagrees with the government or ruling party, they turn to public assets and express their frustration by vandalizing them. Statues are toppled over, walls are graffitied on, and public transport systems are completely trashed. Public assets are always what the public turns to when it wants to show resistance against ruling parties in their countries.
For all these reasons, it is crucial to take all measures to protect public assets. Public works asset management software is one way to go about it. Recording data about public property can help protect it more since the software will not only record asset inventory but will also give out reminders for when a certain asset needs to be repaired, if there is anything that has been stolen or damaged, manage the risk, and also budget properly while tracking costs.
Apart from this, there are many reasons why cloud computing has helped increase the safety of public property.
01. Data Storage
Cloud computing enables companies to record and save all sorts of data. For managers of public assets, this can mean sensitive information such as the blueprints of infrastructure, records of maintenance, and safety measures taken to protect said assets. All this data is pertinent to maintain assets and keep track of them properly. Such data storage ensures that the data is backed up properly.
Regular computers can get worn out quickly and computer hardware can also depreciate. Hardware takes up a lot of space and it is impossible to protect these devices all the time. Cloud computing steps in and takes away this aspect of data management by securely recording everything.
02. Communication
Cloud based collaboration has made communication much easier between all the stakeholders who are involved in the protection and maintenance of public assets. Teams assigned to public assets can use cloud computing to share data with each other and work on projects by sharing documents, plans, and strategies.
There is no need for physical meetings any more as everything can be done online and there are infinite ways for people to get in touch with each other online, all thanks to cloud computing systems.
03. Security
Data that is owned by governments is always susceptible to cyberattacks. Hackers can tamper with the data or leak it or delete it altogether. All three circumstances are equally undesirable and damaging for governments which is why it is important for them to invest in a system that can prevent their data from being compromised.
Cloud systems help secure data and even if the system is infiltrated, data is backed up properly to ensure that it is not lost entirely. The chances of hacking into the system are also low. Sensitive data is stored securely and not accessible by parties with malicious intent.
04. Vigilant Monitoring
Cloud computing systems are well tuned to detect any security vulnerabilities and abnormalities. They can alert users to look into the discrepancy and fix the issue. Cloud computing speeds up the investigation process and helps managers get to the bottom of the problem in a short amount of time.
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Oftentimes, cyberattacks are possible because of the amount of time it takes to figure out that the system has been compromised. Cloud computing also alerts if certain assets need immediate attention. This takes a lot of burden off and helps asset managers identify patterns very quickly.
05. Cost Efficiency
Computer equipment is quite expensive. Devices used to store data also take up a lot of space and have a lot of wires connected which further requires more room. Cloud computing licenses are paid for every month, and these are paid according to the services which are being availed.
This way, no money is being spent in excess. Furthermore, there are no extra devices which need to be bought. Cloud systems are quite cost efficient, sustainable, and environmentally friendly.
Cloud computing systems have changed the way public assets are being managed. These assets are public property and are maintained with the use of tax money. When tax money is being used, the public holds officers accountable and demand receipts since they pay for it from their income. This adds more to the responsibility of officers. These assets are also susceptible to damage at the hands of vandals, terrorists, and angered protesters. They can also be damaged because of climate and weather conditions.
Recording data about these assets is tricky but has been made easier with the use of cloud computing. All the data is recorded in the cloud system and can be accessed by all the authorized data parties. This data is also safe from infiltration since the cloud system secures it.