If you are looking for the best effective tips to boost the conversion rate of a business, look no further. In this post, I’m going to give you my best methods to increase the conversion rates of your business.
When you start an online business, it is obvious that your main goal is to gain profit, drive traffic, and have good conversion rates. These factors are very important for many different reasons: if a business does not generate profits, then it loses its whole purpose. And if the business fails to generate traffic and convert website visitors, then it is quite clear that nobody is interested in that product or service.
Sadly, statistics show that very few website visitors actually convert. Usually, it is even less than 5%, which means that if you lead 100 people to your website from ads, only less than 5 of them will make a purchase. Which means that you either have to motivate those five people to buy loads of stuff and use cross-selling techniques or find a way to increase the conversion rate.
If you would prefer to increase your conversion rate rather than try to sell stuff for thousands of dollars each time – which is not very realistic, then this article is just what you need. Here, we will give you the best tips to boost the conversion rate of your online business.
Have a Properly Working Search Feature
Having a properly working search feature can be crucial for the conversion rate. Just imagine yourself. At least once in your lifetime, you have visited a website that did not have a search field, or it was not working improperly. Did you try to look for an item manually, or did you go to Google Search and buy from a competitor? We think that the answer is clear.
So, to avoid this issue, you need to have a properly working search feature. But how do you decide which WordPress search plugin is best?
Look for all the available options and stick to the one that you believe is worth it the most. Ask for recommendations from others. Read unbiased user reviews. A reliable search plugin will help you improve the overall user experience on your website and, hopefully – raise the conversion rate.
Start Using Pop-Ups on Your Website
This might come as a surprise for you, but pop-ups can actually increase the conversion rate on your website. Are pop-ups annoying? Yes. Do people hate them and sometimes struggle to find a way to turn them off? Also yes.
But if you come up with a beautiful design for your pop-up and give your website visitors an offer that they simply cannot refuse, then all of the annoyance of an unexpected pop-up will be long gone. Just make sure you offer really good deals and use the most popular items for it.
Also, if you really want this strategy to work and more potential customers to convert, do not forget to create a sense of urgency in your pop-up. This way, it will be even harder to turn down the offer because people will understand that it is a one-time offer that they probably will not get ever again.
Add Reviews to Your Website
You need to understand that when a person is making a purchase online, he is risking to purchase something that will not meet his expectations. And this is all because a website visitor cannot touch the items you are selling or try out the service you are offering.
To build trust, it is strongly recommended to add reviews to your website. It will help website visitors get a better sense of the product quality and the trustworthiness of your business.
Just do yourself a favor and don’t add fake reviews by yourself. Instead, invest in a plugin that will let you share unique, registered user reviews that look legitimate. User reviews and testimonials are essential to boost the conversion rate of a business.
I’ve been using Cloudways since January 2016 for this blog. I happily recommend Cloudways to my readers because I am a proud customer.
Make the Checkout Process Easy
One of the main reasons for a high cart abandonment rate is a too difficult and too long checkout process. If you ever want to determine if one of the processes on your website is too long or too tricky, just imagine yourself in the shoes of a customer.
We believe that there was at least one time when you abandoned your cart and left the website because you wanted to make a quick purchase, but the website was asking you to fill out all of those unnecessary fields.
So, to avoid cart abandonment and increase your conversion rate, go step by step through your checkout and remove every single step that is not necessary. It is understandable that you might want to gather additional information about a visitor to improve his further shopping experience, but you can do that by using email marketing later.
Final Thoughts on Boosting the Conversion Rate of a Business
Average conversion rate of a business website is around 2 percent. It means, if you get 100 visitors for your site, only 2 of them are your customers. Honestly, it’s a good conversion rate. But still you have the chance to increase the conversion rate of your business website by implementing the conversion optimization tips on this article.
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