Looking for the best furniture marketing strategies for your furniture company? Try these furniture marketing ideas, if you want to expand your current customer base and reach new.
Digital Marketing can sometimes be tricky because there are so many options out there and choosing the one that benefits your business the most is crucial. There are tons of options for you to choose from. For example, influencer marketing, affiliate marketing, search engine optimization and email marketing. These are just a few out of the many digital marketing methods that you can choose from, but which one is suitable for your business?
Some digital marketing strategies are good for certain industries or businesses. For example, affiliate marketing has always worked quite well for subscription-based businesses. This is because subscription-based businesses often give a recurring commission to its affiliates, giving them a strong incentive to promote their products as this will help the affiliate markers gain passive income. This is a strategy that web hosting companies utilize.
Furniture companies are now in a rather awkward situation because the industry is changing. Back in the day, furniture companies would sell their items in retail stores but as shopping trends are shifting online, furniture companies will need to build a stronger digital presence in order to survive.
With technology like VR, it will make it a lot easier for customers to have a better look at the details of the furniture before purchasing. For example, if a customer wants to buy a standing desk, they will want to look at how the desk looks in a room. Pictures are often not good enough to see the details of the desk and with VR, you can take a look at the desk in 3D and see the desk in different directions.
Digital Marketing Strategies For Furniture Companies
So which digital marketing strategy is best for furniture companies? These are the best furniture marketing ideas to expand your customer base and reach new customers.
Search Engine Optimization
Search Engine Optimization is a digital marketing strategy that a lot of companies use and is very suitable for furniture companies. When people want to buy furniture, they will search for it on Google, and you will want your website to display higher on the results. For example, if you sell office chairs, you will want your website to display on the first page if someone searches “office chair” on Google.
Paid Ads
There are many different types of paid ads and some common paid ads used are paid social and paid search. Paid search is effectively paying for your website to display on search engines. When you purchase paid search advertising, your website will display at the top of all the search results for the keywords you want to target. You can also choose the demographics of your audience to target the right customers.
Paid social is similar to paid search but it is buying advertisements from social networks like Facebook or Twitter. You can set the demographics of your audience like age, interests, and gender. Some social media websites like Facebook also offers retargeting. Retargeting is a strategy where the ads target people who have previously interacted with your brand. For example, people who visited your website or Facebook page. This is a very effective strategy for getting higher conversions.
Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate Marketing is not only good for subscription-based businesses but can also work well for Furniture companies. Affiliate marketing doesn’t require a large upfront cost like paid ads because you only pay when a sale is made through an affiliate link or affiliate code. You may wish to have your own affiliate program on your website or use a third-party affiliate program like ShareASale or CJ Affiliate. Not only will you get new customers when affiliate marketers promote your business, but you will also get backlinks when they talk about your business on their blog or website. This will then also improve your search engine rankings.
Email Campaigns
It is quite common for businesses to offer a discount code when someone subscribes to your newsletter. This way you can collect potential customer’s emails. You can also collect emails for customers that previously made a purchase. When you have great offers and deals, then you can email them to share this news with them. For example, Black Friday is a very good opportunity to utilize an email campaign to increase sales. The best thing about this strategy is that it will cost you nothing extra to launch these campaigns.
Which Furniture Marketing Strategies Are The Best?
Just one of these strategies is not enough for a good marketing plan. Putting strategies together is key for integrated marketing success.
The best digital marketing strategy is the one that helps you achieve your goals. So the first thing to think about is what are your goals? If you just started your business, then Search Engine Optimization may not be a good strategy for you because it takes time for search engine rankings to improve, and you will see a relatively low return on investment initially. Search Engine Optimization is a better long-term strategy and often used alongside other strategies like Paid Ads. Every business is different so you will need to decide which strategy is best for you.
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Search Engine Optimization
With paid ads, you have to keep investing and allocate a budget each month in order to get customers. With Search Engine Optimization, once you rank well on Google, you will keep getting traffic from search engines even if you stop working on it. This is a good long-term strategy as you do not need to keep investing in order to get traffic.
Paid Ads
Whether you just started your furniture business or your business has been around for many years, this is always a good strategy. Even large companies keep investing into paid ads. The downside to Paid Ads is the cost so you must test and find the best performance platform in order to reduce the cost per conversion. For example, if it costs you $20 per conversion on Google Search Ads and $15 per conversion on Facebook Ads, then you should allocate more budget on Facebook Ads as it is providing a better return on investment.
Affiliate Marketing
Relying on Affiliate Marketing can be risky if you can’t find the right people to promote your products. However, once you find the right people, this is a good method to boost sales. Make sure you offer them a nice commission as this will attract more influencers and bloggers to promote your products. It is a good idea to use a combination of paid ads and affiliate marketing.
Email Campaigns
Email campaigns can be very useful if you have good offers available, but it should not be overused. If you keep spamming your potential customers with lots of emails, then they will want to unsubscribe from your mail listing. It should only be used when you have offers available. If your business is new or if you are having trouble getting new customers, offering discounts via email campaigns always tends to help.
Every Furniture company is different. Which marketing strategy fits your business depends on your goals. The most important thing is to focus on targeting the right audience no matter which strategy you are using. For example, if you are selling office chairs and standing desks, you should target businesses. Using the right strategy at the right time is crucial but if you are still unsure which strategy fits your furniture business, then you should consult marketing experts.