Outsourcing software development processes has gained its popularity among businesses in terms of saving time, energy, and money. Pursuing high-quality outcomes whilst sticking to cost-efficiency, companies are willing to outsource business processes to top vendors abroad.
Getting used to offshoring as an outsourcing model, those in charge came up with a brilliant idea that later on received the name “Nearshoring”. Nearshoring is practically the same concept as offshoring, maintaining the gist of the process, yet in the matter of geography, the project ( or a certain part of it) is assigned to lower-cost services based in the regions situated in the withinity of a small-time difference.
IBM, Jaguar, Skype, Buzzfeed, and the list of the companies who address top nearshore services to ensure their workflow goes seamlessly may go on. Looking at what these companies are capable of when it comes to a tech part of their business proves a positive aspect of adopting nearshoring solutions for the development processes.
Nearshore Services and Their Importance in 2022
Nearshoring has become vocal across a wide range of industries. Experiencing pressures of long-lasting economic recession and political dissatisfaction with jobs being sent far offshore, global business leaders turned to nearshoring as a commonplace for having projects completed and ensuring profitable outcomes at low expenses. Companies find it more attractive to exploit services located closer to the customers and business itself.
Nearshore development services are the services that are mostly ordered by businesses worldwide. Choosing a low-cost organization that can provide top-quality nearshore developers, managers, quality assurance engineers, and analysts situated within a 1-to-3-hour time-zone difference is a proactive move towards securing the delivery of business results.
Nearshore companies due to their long-term existence have demonstrated their liability and reliability not only in respect of service delivery but also in delivering it following cutting-edge IT trends. Below there is a list of some IT trends that nearshore development vendors exploit in 2023.
- IT Automation – the solution to reducing human involvement yet accelerating infrastructure delivery.
- 5G – increased capacity, more bandwidth, high speed for results delivery.
- Container Software – technology allows packaging of the resources ( apps, databases, processes) into containers so that to deliver them as a single unit. Solutions are easily attainable within the team overcoming challenges with the machine-environment obstacles.
- VDI – an excellent tool for managing tasks remotely that gained new perspective due to enhanced remote employment situation. Some companies even work on residential internet infrastructure to enhance the service and deliver rapid results.
- Serverless Computing – “less” in the word already informs about physical server unnecessariness that is replaced by utilizing cloud-native apps and storages. Such virtualization lets teams access data anytime and anywhere, making this practice to be a perfect fit for nearshore experience.
When the company demonstrates constant tech upgrades to back up the customer’s development expectations be it web development, or mobile app development it automatically yields success for the client and loyalty towards itself.
Tips on How to Choose the Right Nearshore Service
When the company chooses its potential nearshore vendor it should pay attention to certain aspects. They may not be super new, yet critical not to be overlooked or taken for granted. Here are major things to consider.
Cost. The company has the budget allocated to outsourcing processes and remains within the limit. Every single aspect should be negotiated and every service delivered should be transparent money-wise. All the extras should also be negotiated based on the derivatives of the workflow.
Usually, nearshore outsourcing companies offer multifaceted services. Yet there is a slight possibility that some areas are more covered than others. Therefore, let’s say, you need Dynamics AX consulting services. After direct interaction, you might get the impression that the company is more competent in security services or quality control.
Successful cases will demonstrate the profile of the company and will offer the idea of whether the examples of prior development experiences somehow will add up value and make it real for the project the company has to develop.
“There is no such thing as bad reviews.” Actually, there is. Verified comments from real satisfied/dissatisfied clients ( not petty competitors) might really help to decide what the chances of successful cooperation are.
Access to tech-talent hubs
It is important to take into consideration how well the tech talent infrastructure and employment processes ( applicants assessment, background checks, etc) are built within the company. If, for instance, you need a devoted team of mobile app developers, the company is obliged to provide you with as much background information as possible.
I’ve been using Cloudways since January 2016 for this blog. I happily recommend Cloudways to my readers because I am a proud customer.
Other points to look for you will for sure develop when compiling a plan of all the project needs.
7 Main Advantages of Nearshore Development
What are the advanatages of nearshore development? Nearshore development has proved as a successful model for businesses. Here are 7 benefits of nearshore development.
1. Cost efficiency
Outsourcing of business processes delivers quality and reduces expenses on the employment infrastructure.
2. Geographical nearness
The gist is in the phrase already. The nearshore vendor is not far from the customer. This enables the customer to feel more control over the situation conquering the thoughts of desperate fears of not being able to influence the process when there is going to be an urge to do so.
3. Time-friendly communication
Nearshoring implies that the customer and the services are in the same time zone, or with a 2-to-4 hours difference. Such conditions improve communication via making it comfortable for all the participants, excluding time-difference discomfort. Never having a solid synchronization between messages sent and messages delivered creates the atmosphere of essential things being overlooked. Nearshore philosophy prevents that from happening.
4. Enhanced monitoring
This one stems from geographical nearness. Having a clear understanding that the nearshore office is not greeting the sunrise whilst the contractor is observing the sunset, makes it easier to monitor development stages with rapid responses. If the situation requires, the customer’s representative will travel to the nearshore headquarters and get there in 3 or 4 hours.
5. Affordable reach
If the traveling to the headquarters does not demand ten connected flights and dog sledding, then, probably it will also not cost that much, making planned and unplanned business trips affordable and not budget-exhaustive.
6. Common cultural background
Understanding someone’s culture helps one to understand people and makes it easy to communicate, finding safe ground for certain words, expressions, gestures, etc. Sharing the same culture will enhance mutual understanding among all those involved in the project development due to being able to understand each other sometimes even without words. The subconscious level gets involved.
7. Mentality
It helps to be on the same page whilst communicating with each other. Also, quite importantly, if there is a humor aspect present, big chances are that common laughter will be shared, building friendly bonding, cutting out pressure from strangers on the job, and promoting further cooperation. It is a common truth: we love working with people who we find easy to be around, even if it’s a Zoom meeting.
Whether your project needs to hire a Dynamics AX senior, or you need a dedicated team of such specialists, who can take the idea and transform it into an impressive product that adds up value to your business and to your clients’ businesses alongside bringing impressive revenues, make sure you address professionals to back you up with this.
Nowadays, having a well-developed in-house development infrastructure may not be affordable in terms of creating unnecessary resource exploitation. Choosing to opt for nearshore services promises top-quality jobs to be done, letting the company concentrate on the creative part of the product and ways to make it reach its a meant-to-be consumer.